Warning - This Website is only for education purposes, By reading these articles you agree that HackingBytes is not responsible in any way for any kind of damage caused by the information provided in these articles.


Hide Data Behind Any File :Steganography

Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages, Images, Data .etc in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the Data, a form of security through obscurity. By using this trick your data will get hidden into any image of your choice without reducing its quality, you can Hide Data Behind Images without using any software

Password Protect File/Hard Disk : Cryptography

Today in a typical middle class family everyone in the family uses the same computer , There are times when we need to keep our file ,folders, Hard Drivers, usb's private .The best way to protect your file ,folders, hard disks, thumb drives ..etc, is by encrypting them (i.e password protect ) By this way there's no chance of the file or folder being accessed without the password ,To achieve this, I use True crypt a Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows 7/Vista/XP, Mac OS X, and Linux

Trick To Find User Surname Of Any Reliance Mobile Number

Basically this website is for recharge but it helps you to get information about user of that mobile number. So lets dive into it. 1. Go to this Website 2. Enter Mobile Number in Reliance Subscriber Number. 3. Email address is optional so you don't need to enter. 4. Done!!!

Windows 8 E Book Free Download

This book covers most of the problems users are facing with Windows 8. Windows 8 is totally different from older version of Windows and it does not has start button. So people are facing problems while using it. This new version of Windows is also optimized for touchscreen. According to security researchers, Windows 8 is also the most secure operating system from Microsoft.

Yahoo Session Cookies hacking

A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website when you visit. It contains information about your visit that you may want the site to remember. These cookies can be stored in your browser.you can see your cookies by typing the following script in your browser. p>

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Creating a hidden virual TrueCrypt volume

Creating a hidden virual TrueCrypt volume

Not everything you store on your computer is for everyone to see. This can be personal documents, porn hidden from your girlfriend, or illegal things that you don't want the cops to find if they confiscate your computer. In this tutorial I will explain how to set up a hidden virtual TrueCrypt volume to help you securing whatever data you're hiding.


What is a hidden virtual TrueCrypt volume?

This method is more secure than just a regular encrypted volume since it let's you create a decoy volume first where you can put some stuff that looks important, but really isn't.

From the TrueCrypt documentation:
Quote:The principle is that a TrueCrypt volume is created within another TrueCrypt volume (within the free space on the volume). Even when the outer volume is mounted, it should be impossible to prove whether there is a hidden volume within it or not, because free space on any TrueCrypt volume is always filled with random data when the volume is created and no part of the (dismounted) hidden volume can be distinguished from random data. Note that TrueCrypt does not modify the file system (information about free space, etc.) within the outer volume in any way.
Source: http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/hidden-volume

Setting up a TrueCrypt volume is simple. Each step has a good description, and the TrueCrypt website has good documentation. So just follow each step and read the description closely and you should be completing it in no time. I have left pictures of each step inside the spoiler for visual clarity

Step 1: Open TrueCrypt and click Create Volume
[Image: image.png]

Step 2: Create an encrypted file container
[Image: image.png]
When creating an encrypted file container we create a virtual drive. This can be mounted through the TrueCrypt application only, and when mounted it acts as a regular removable device such as USB stick, external hard drive, etc

Step 3: Select volume type
[Image: image.png]
We will be using a hidden volume and the reason for this is simple: Security. Creating the volume consists of two parts.
  1. The decoy
    First we create the outer volume, the decoy. This is where you store some stuff that looks secret and/or important. This can be contracts for an apartment, letters to landlord/school/boss, etc.
  2. The hidden volume
    After the outer volume is created we create a the hidden volume.

TrueCrypt separates these two volumes by having different password. The password for the outer volume doesn't have to be of any crazy strength, but it should also not be to easy.
The password for the hidden volume should be very strong. Minimum 20 characters in length, and a good mix between upper- and lowercase, numbers and signs. I suggest the "Ft. Knox Passwords" found in http://www.randomkeygen.com

Documentation: http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/hidden-volume

Step 4: Select or create volume file
[Image: image.png]

Step 5: Volume encryption
[Image: image.png]
I personally use the default settings which is AES and RIPEMD-160. This decission was made based on not having any advanced cryptography knowledge and trusting the articles I read.

More info about AES and RIPEMD can be found in the links below

Step 6: Volume size
[Image: outer_size.png]
Keep in mind that TrueCrypt files are fixed size. This means that if you create a volume to be 100GB it will take up that much space on your computer even if there's no files saved in it.

Step 7: Set password
[Image: image.png]
As mentioned above, this password doesn't need to be of any insane strength, but don't make it to simple. At least mix upper- and lowercase and numbers. Minimum length of 8 characters would make it even better.
If you are forced to give up the password it will most likely lead to suspicion if the password too simple. Why use TrueCrypt to secure your documents when the password is vulnerable to basic dictionary attacks?
One thing that is important though, if you should find yourself in this situation. Do not give up the outer password to easy. If you don't put up a fight, this could also be a reason for suspicion. No one with something to hide will just give up a password right away.

Step 8: Format the volume
[Image: image.png]
We now need to format the outer volume. Read the description of the step before clicking format.

Step 9: End of outer volume creation
[Image: image.png]
This last step is just a confirmation that the outer volume was created successfully. You can just click next on this one

-- Hidden volume --
[Image: image.png]
The process of setting up the hidden volume is almost identical to the outer volume.

Step 10: Set encryption
[Image: image.png]
This is the same as Step 5. I use the same settings here as in the outer volume

Step 12: Set size
[Image: image.png]
Here you can set the value to the max size provided by TrueCrypt

Step 13: Set password
[Image: image.png]
This password should be minimum 20 characters and a mix between upper- and lowercase letters, digits and special characters. I recommend using one from the "Ft. Knox Passwords" section in http://www.randomkeygen.com.

Step 14: Storing large files
[Image: image.png]
Make sure that you think this one through. Let's say we wan't to hide a Virtual Machine in this volume it's very important that we select I will store files larger than 4 GB on the volume.

Step 15: Setting file system to use
[Image: image.png]

Step 16: Cross-Platform support
[Image: image.png]
This step I leave up to you as the reader. There's no way for me to say what you should select here. It all depends on how you intend to use it.

Step 17: Format the hidden volume
[Image: image.png]
This step is just like Step 8. I do suggest that you move the mouse even more randomly, and for a longer period of time than you did on the outer volume. This will make the cryptography use on the hidden volume stronger than the outer.

Step 18: All done
[Image: image.png]

[Image: image.png]
The last that appears now is just a confirmation that the volume was successfully created, and that you can create a new volume or exit.

Learn Python The Easy Way

Hello guys, In this tutorial I'm going to go throught some basic concepts which are required to understand python programming like Loops, if statements, indentation etc etc. I'm going to explain each part one by one so be sure to read one part carefully then proceed to the next one.

Please do not copy paste codes! Type each code even if it's a one line code. Being lazy will make you Worthless

First of all we need to know what python is so lets go on that part

What do you need?
* In this tutorial I'll be using Python 3 so better install it from Here
* I'm using Linux so to install Python 3, opne the terminal and type sudo apt-get install python3-minimal
* An IDE or use the default Python IDE, I am using Sublime Text 2
* A Brain
* A soul which bears the property "Patience" Wink

1) What is Python?

Python is a VHL (Very High Level ), general purpose, Object Oriented Programming language. The modules of Python are developed in C and C++ so being influenced by those two languages (More than just two), python has a similar sytnax to them especially C. In python you can express your code in a few lines.

Here we take an example of Hello World program in C++ and Python:

Hello World In C++:
Thanks to @ Psycho_Coder
#include <iostream>

int main()
    cout<<"Hello World!"<<endl;
    return 0;

Hello World in Python
print ("Hello World")

Now you should be able to see the difference yourself.

Python is cross platform programming language meaning that it can run on nearly all OS, the most common one's are

Of-course like other languages Python can be used and integrated to work with another language like C, Well this is only for reference as this topic is little above the beginners level so we'll now make our first Hello World Program.

2) Making Your First Hello World Program

Now in order to Print a statement, python uses a function called print(). When you call a Function, you need to provide it an Argument. An argument is simply a value that you give to the function upon calling it. So as we are going to CALL our Function to Print the Argument "Hello World".
When using print, your argument must be inside quotes like:


So type in your IDLE:
print("Hello World!")

Congrats! You just made your own python Hello World program
Remember that print is a function and the argument must be inside the parentheses!

More Printing:

Lets do some more printing before we go to the next topic. So type these code in the IDE:

print("Hello! What's up mate?")

print("123456, Can't you see those numbers?")

print('I want to learn Python!')

While typing these codes, examine each symbol, letter because in the next part you're gonna have to solve some problems

Now, as you are done with the above printing, you'll have to find out the solution to the errors in the statements below:

print('Why aren't you that active')

print("yeah, haters gonna hate")

print('Herb’s sister yelled, "Does anyone have a telephone?")

If you have corrected the mistakes then you have now understood how and when to use the quotes ' ' and " " while printing.

Printing Numbers:

You can print numbers with or without using the quotes like:

print(123456789) -> 123456789


print('123456789') -> 123456789

The first print statements' argument is an int and the second print statements' argument is a String . We'll learn more about Strings, Integers etc in the upcoming lesson.


Comments are crucial for a programming to keep track of codes, In python it's acheived by putting a Hash infront the statement that you want as a comment like:

#This is a comment

3) What Are Variables?

I'm going to explain Variables as easily as I can, Consider this diagram:

[Image: nY8Z77D.png]

Suppose the large box is your System Memory, as the data is stored in the system memory so the small boxes inside the large box are the Memory Locations which hold your data so now Variables are just reserved memory locations used to store data - Tutorials Point How simple is that?

Each memory locations is denoted by the address written above the box for example
name = 'LiveFaster'

When I call the name variable, it actually calls the memory address (x1241) in which the name 'LiveFaster' is stored, Easy Eh?

Here are some lines from a course I did:

A value has a memory address.
A variable stores a memory address.
A variable refers to a value.
A variable points to a value.

So the data is actually stored in the memory having a specific memory address and the variable point to the memory address when called

name -> memory address -> x1241 -> Stored Data -> LiveFaster

Till now you should and must have understood What Variables are, Lets study about the types of Variables.

Variable Types

Here I'm going to teach you only three of the data types which we use commonly, The rest you can find them HERE as they are not hard to understan:

1) Integers i.e 100, 1, 2, 50
2) Strings (Text enclosed in quotes like 'Ex094' are called strings)
3) Boolean (True and False)

There is nothing to explain about these 3 types for variables as you must be familiar with them. so I'll go to the declaration part but here's something for you to ponder on:

Consider two variables:
var_one = 94
var_two = '94'
var1 == var2
>>> False

Think yourself that why does this var1 == var2 statement gives False upon call, If you guessed it instantly then you know about the 3 type well.

Declaring Variables:'

For Strings:
We declare a variable with the equal sign like;
variable = 'Ex094'

For Integer:
To declare an Integer you do it with out the quotes like:
integer = 10

For Boolean:
Boolean Values are True and False so they are declared as same as Integers
boolean = True
boolean = False

Printing Variables

To print the data stored in a Variable, you can simply use the print function or return if it's inside a function like:

name = 'Ex094'
forum = 'hackcommunity'
print(name, forum)

The output will be:
Ex094 hackcommunity

4) Getting Input From User:

You must have come across certain program that can take an input like e.g A Name and then output. But how's it's done in Python?
For that we use the input() function, the question for the input is a string placed inside the parentheses like:

input("What's your Good Name Sir?")

Output will be a string

Store Input in a Variable:

This part is very easy if you've understood the declaration of variables, so similarly what we did previously

name = input('What is your name: ')

Here's is a small function which takes and input and gives the output that's the name plus last name combined, run it in your IDE and observe what happens:
def full_name():
    first = input('Enter your First Name: ')
    last = input('Enter your Last Name: ')
    return first + last

5) Conditionals

Consider a program which takes "yes" as an input but there might be a situation when the user has to enter "no", at that point the program will give you an error because it's designed to take Only Yes as an input and it doesn't recognize No because it's not a part of it's code or either t's not supported. For situations like this we make use of conditionals, a very common example on usage of conditionals is:

[Image: YzwxaGt.png]

Get user Input
    if input is yes
        go to the yes function
    if else input is no
        go to the no function
    else if it's nothing
        exit the program

If the input is yes then it'll execute the yes function, but if else the input is no then it'll execute the no function or else if the user enters non of the above then exit the program.


As a default, Python accepts an indentation(Space before statement) of 4 spaces. For example:

a = True
if a == True:

If you run this code, you'll get indentation error because the print statement is a part of if statement and it should be inside it so we give 4 spaces before it

a = True
if a == True:

Running this code will result in successful implication as indentation has been applied

Types Of Conditionals:

After looking at the example given above, we can say there are three types of conditionals:

1) The if statement
2) The if...else statement
3) The else statement

Example of IF Statement:
Here is a small program that will print True if 2 multiply by 4 is 8
multi = 2 * 4
if multi == 8:

Example of if Else Statement:
This program will print False if the output is greater than 8
multi = 2 * 9
if multi == 8:
elif multi > 8:

Example of Else Statement:
If the output is other than both of the previous conditions, then it'll print false
multi = 2 * 1
if multi == 8:
elif multi > 8:

6) Python Operators:

Here is a list of all the arithmetic operators in python:

+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus
** Exponent
// Floor Division

1) 2 + 4 will give you 6
>>> 2 + 4
>>> 6

2) 4 - 2 will give you 2
>>> 4 - 2
>>> 2

3) 2 * 4 will give you 8
>>> 2 * 4
>>> 8

4) 4 / 2 gives 2
>>> 4/2
>>> 2

5) 2 % 4 gives you 2
>>> 2 % 4
>>> 2

6) 2 ** 4 gives you 16
>>> 2**4
>>> 16

7) 9 // 2 gives you 4
>>> 9//2
>>> 4

Other Operators can be found here => http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/pyt...rators.htm

6) Loops

Loops are really important for a programmer, there comes a situation when a programmer wants to run a single code a number of times. For that we use loops. In python there are 2 types of loops:

1) The for Loop
2) The while Loop

To under stand loop here's a simple flow chart:

[Image: 87ezf2G.png]

The For Loop:

The syntax of a For Loop is as Follows:

for expression:

Example: In this example, we want to make a program that will output the numbers from 1 to 10, so we will be using a for loop:

for i in range(1, 11):

The Output will be:

What does the range function do??? Go here

The While Loop:

The syntax of while loop is same as that of for loop:

while expression:

Example: We shall do the same example as that of for instead we will use the while loop to generate numbers from 1 to 10.

i = 0
while i < 10:
   i += 1

The Output will be:

Explanation: As indicated in the code, our condition is that we need numbers that are less than 10, First we declare the variable i = 0 which will be used to store the value we get from each iteration. First as the loop starts, i get the value 1, as 1 is less than 10 so it gets stored in the variable i, the next line of code adds 1 to i making it 2, it's also less than 10 so it gets stored and the next line adds 1 to it making it 3 and so on till reaches 10. Once it reaches 10 the loop breaks as provided by the expression.

7) Understanding List and String Indexing:

Lists In Python
A list in Python is just like an array in PHP, infact list is an Array. Using a list you can store much data and also you can do alot of stuff with it which are useful. the syntax of a list is:

my_list = []

Lets consider a list 'names' where we will store a list of names Grin

names = []

Now I want to append a name in that list, We can't just do this:

names = 'Ex094'

Remember, = is an assignment statement.
To introduce a string or integer in the list we use the .append method which come with the list.
So it's like:


Now type the name of your list in the Python IDLE and you'll see:


Task: Add 3 more names to the list and see the result

List Indexing:

Consider this list of names:

names = ['Deque', 'Bluedog.tar.gz', 'ArkPhase']

Now I'm given a question that which of the following are the owners of Hackcommunity, we know it's Bluedog.tar.gz but how do we get an output like that? If we type the name of the list, we'll get the whole list. We need only one name, thats where Indexing comes in:

The names are in the list are in the following index order (Starting From 0 MOST IMPORTANT POINT!!!)
Item Index Number Item
0 Deque
1 Bluedog.tar.gz
2 ArkPhase

Now as we know the index number, we can select which name we want to output. In our case we want Bluedog.tar.gz which is the 1 index So we will type:


The output is:


If we want to list all the items of a specific List then we use a for loop like:

names = ['Deque', 'Bluedog.tar.gz', 'ArkPhase']

for name in names:

The output is:


Explanation: The loop iterates through the list, staff is a variable, the first value in the list is Deque so it's stored in the Variable and then displayed, then it iterates to the next value and Bluedog.tar.gz gets saved in the Variable and printed as output same goes for ArkhPhase

If you want to get name of the last two members then you can do:

names = ['Deque', 'Bluedog.tar.gz', 'ArkPhase']

This will give you the output:
['Bluedog.tar.gz', 'ArkPhase']

Task: Using the list given below, make a program such that it outputs 'Hackcommunity For Life'

list = ['Hack', 'Life', 'Community', 'for']

After completing this task, You know now about list, how to apply a loop and index the items in it.

String Indexing/Slicing:

Indexing the string is totally the same principle based on list, it's just we are working with strings now. So lets consider this example string:

exp = 'Hackcommunity'

What I want is that to slice that string and I want to make it print only Hack, So lets apply indexing:
Remember that it starts from 0 to onwards


This will exactly give us the output:

If we want to do it for community then:

8) Functions

Functions are well organized, reusable piece of code which are used to make the work of a programmer easier. There are many inbuilt functions the most common one is print(). You can also make your own functions, they are called user-defined functions.

The default syntax to define a functions is:

def name ( paramaters ):

To run this function you simply do:

An example function is:

def add(x, y):
   return x + y

Explanation: X and Y are the parameters, the function takes the 2 values and returns the sum of the two values

So the sum of 2 + 4 will be:
add(2, 4)

The output will be:
>>> 6

Making A Proper Function

In the topic above, we learned what a Function is and how to use it, Also in the previous topics you might have come across some functions. Now is time to make a proper one, I'm going to teach you how to make a proper function via Function Recipe. It's what I learned from my Python Course and it really helps you make a proper function.

Function Recipe:

1) Doc String
2) Type
3) Description
4) Examples

These are the four you need to make a good function.
Lets make a function which calculates the average of the given values in a list:

So, first we are going to make the DOC String, remember that strings are enclosed in ' ' or " " quotes, well we also use triple quotes """ if you have long text to write. For example:

""" Hey It's me Ex094 """

You can also do this:

""" Hey
it's me Ex094! """

Now for the function, so lets define our function, We'll name it average:

def average(values):

Well a Doc string is usually used to define a Function, when you type help(your_function) it actually displays the Doc String.

Now we shall make the doc string:

def average(list):
    """ Description Here
         Examples """

Lets fill up the description first! Our function outputs the average of all the values provided by the user so,

def average(list):
    """ Returns the average of the given values
         Examples """

Now for the type, As the output type would be different as compared to the input i.e Input is a list while output is a integer, we will write:

def average(list):
    """ Returns the average of the given values
         list -> int
         Examples """

list -> int

It means that this function takes a list of integer as input and the output is the average of the values in the list which is a type integer.

Lets write some case examples of our function, examples give an idea to the user about what it takes as an input and what it gives as a result.

For our Average function, we will write three examples with:

1) 4 Values
2) 2 Values
3) Invalid Input (Not an integer)

def average(list):
    """ Returns the average of the given values

         list -> int

         >>> average([2, 4, 6, 8])
         >>> 5

         >>> average([2, 4])
         >>> 3

         >>> average([a, b])
         >>> Error


Now add your complete Code:

def average(list):
    """ Returns the average of the given values

         list -> int
        >>> average([2,4,6,8])
        >>> 5

        >>> average([2,4])
        >>> 3

    val = 0

    for i in range(len(list)):

        val = val + list[i]

    return int(val / len(list))

If you import this function and run help(average) in your python console, you'll get:

[Image: 5SbbYuk.png]

In this section you have now learned how to craft a good function using function recipe

Spy-Net 2.6 Tutorial

  Spy-Net 2.6 Tutorial

When you start up Spy-Net, a box will come up that displays text in a strange language. Click no. Next, go to Opcoes, choose Selectionar Idoma, and click on English.

Now for the server set-up.

1.Go to File -> Create Server -> Choose the profile accordingly

[Image: icvK1s.png]

Where it says "Your DNS Here", hit delete then add your No-Ip and open port number such as xxx.no-ip.info:80 and click add.

[Image: icvM90.png]

[Image: icvSXO.png]

[Image: icv1qi.png]

Select all of the anti-debug. If you want to test your server on yourself, leave Anti-Sandboxie alone.

6.Final Step
[Image: icrzVc.png]

Bruteforce Accounts With Mozilla Firefox

Bruteforce Accounts With Mozilla Firefox

Hello everyone, in this tut, I'n going to teach you a way of hacking into accounts(be it email ids or any kind of account) without using any special hack tool. We'll try bruteforcing the password from a password list in a TXT file.

This trick will not work if there are captcha protections in the site you're trying to hack into.

Quote:Here's what you'll need :
1. Mozilla Firefox browser. Get it from HERE.
2. An add on of Mozilla Firefox called FireForce.
3. A good password list of your choice. The list should be in a TXT file.

So lets begin :

1. Install Mozilla Firefox browser in your computer.

2. Download and install the add-on Fireforce from HERE.

3. Go to the log in page of the account you want to hack into.

4. Type in the username or email id that you want to get access to, in the textbox of the log in page.

5. Type in a random password in the password field of the log in page and click on log in.

6. You'll get a page that contains an error message because its the wrong password.

7. Right click on the error page and click on VIEW PAGE SOURCE option.

8. Copy the HTML code that comes and store it in a TXT file.

9. Get back to the initial log in page and type the username or email id in the textbox.

Now, here we go!!!

10. Right click on the password field box.

11. From the Fireforce option, click on "Load Dictionary" option.

12. Select the wordlist(password list) TXT file that you have and click on load.

13. After that, a box asking for the error code and number of requests per second will appear.

14. Go to the TXT file in step 8, select the full HTML code and paste it in the error code field.

15. Set the number of request per second(500 preferable). More the number, faster its done, but more the risk.

16. Click on Save and there you go!!!


How to Get ALL Login information from Computer !

How to Get ALL Login information!

So after searching on the internet for a couple of hours to find an ideal Remote Access Tool
to use so I could pretty much RAT my own computer to find out my girlfriends password for Facebook to
explain and show how simple it is for someone to gain access to EVERY bit of potential crucial information,
I came across a pretty nifty program which I had seen mentioned a few times on various types of forums
so I decided to download it and check it out, the program was incredible - it did
everything I wanted it to do and the greedy side got to me and I wanted to get one better,
to make to make it e-mail every bit of recorded log to my work e-mail so I can check
what she's been going on and using throughout the day, the program had a feature but
it was bugged or it was just being a pain in the ass (I did try for an hour, promise).

I eventually found another program that did EXACTLY what I wanted, but their was a problem.
It was a trial, so I torrented it and used the absolute maximum of it and tested every bit of
gaurenteed function that it did and sure - it worked perfectly.

[Image: shortline.jpg][Image: shortline.jpg]

[Image: shortline.jpg][Image: shortline.jpg]

Actual Spy:
The first program is the one I couldn't get the e-mail forwarding to work for Hotmail
(I did smtp.live.com) but it did save ALL of the logs and screenshots in a custom folder and the GUI is pretty easy
to navigate and very noob friendly.

[Image: WnZoaYz.gif]

Download Link:
Click here to go to the download page!

Serial Code:

0iU0DOkvQS/fLQ1Hxo5efM8O5q12ZW ClEJ4De+0Rw8WG2lcgbkJTQqXvOcPM iw3/fvztayACVcGvys9Fk98Sepc+Yl d+5Z+EiTZwvPuCqGa8gLs2oC/X8POr mO99+d59DYcdXjzqWwq5zzV6P2CSaG p+nz5YbUbuKvEmp8w2vp+g=

Virus Scan:
I used Jotti for ALL Virus scans, don't like the scan results then don't use - simple!
- However I am willing to upload a screenshot of the scan using a different online virus scanner!
[Image: eaCOYUg.png]

SpyTech Spy Agent:
This monitoring program is an ease to use, the GUI is amazingly beautiful,
the features you can do are endless and like Actual Spy, it is stealth.
I much preferred this program considering, it gave you more information on usage of the computer.

This can be a pretty advanced piece of program, so have abit of a fiddle before using it
on your targets, I would advise to disable your Anti Virus for a short term.

[Image: hBdIioz.png]

Download Link:
Trial Version: Click here

Serial Code:
Torrent version: Click here

Virus Scan:
I used Jotti for ALL Virus scans, don't like the scan results then don't use - simple!
- However I am willing to upload a screenshot of the scan using a different online virus scanner!
[Image: df4hJBG.png]
Note:- This is a MONITORING program, so it will ALERT your ANTI VIRUS software - it even says on the website.

Thanks + Additional Information:
S This is my first and certainly not my last tutorial I create on HackCommunity,
Please let me know how you get on with these programs,
and share if you get anyone, your choice if you share peoples details in other threads if it's allowed.

Also, I don't hold ANY responsibility on what happens, this is clearly for educational purposes only and to show
how easy it is to obtain someones crucial information on a share computer.

How To Spread Your Viruses to everyone successfully

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